Baja Sur events May 12- 22: Cine Club, Ceremonial Race, 6th Annual Castle Day, Yannis Marshall
A lot of fabulous events this coming weekend! Below find the highlight of the upcoming events. Click here for a complete events calendar of Baja California Sur.
Thursday May 12, Macondo, Plaza San Lucas
Excellent Colombian movie, set in the Amazon jungle. Addresses the issue of knowledge according to different cultures, where all think their wisdom is superior to any other.

Sat May 14 To Sun May 15, Buena Fortuna, La Ribera
Peace and Dignity Journeys are a traditional continental race that seeks to honor our ancestral heritage, represented by the original nations of this continent.It is a prayer to the creative forces, life-giving to make light flower seeds in the hearts of all beings on our Earth Mother (Tonantzin).We pray in motion to activate the ancestral memory step by step, spinning a web on a pilgrimage to the home of all, to remember who we are.The day May 14 ceremonial walkers begin with a temazcal.The day May 15, Sunday, can be brought to the altar organic seeds with their prayers. The opening ceremony is open to the public and is free of charge.
Subsequently the ceremonial walk starts from La Ribera, through the communities of Cabo Pulmo, San Jose and culminating in Cabo San Lucas.

Sunday May 15, Hotel VidaSoul
The big day is coming, May 15 The Sand Castle Competition this year with face painters, tarot readers and clothing booths. Bring your bathing suit and have a swim. Starts at 12, prizes around 2:30 music at 3PM.

Saturday May 21, Tesoro Los Cabos
Yanis Marshall for the first time in Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. Mexico live from Paris, France.Street Jazz Workshop & Heels. You can not lose this! An unforgettable experience!Secure your place as soon as possible. Limited availability!

Check the complete schedule of upcoming events in La Paz, Los Cabos and all of Baja California Sur
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